diy solar

diy solar


Its intentional

And they’re conditioning people not to say it, and eventually not to even see it.

Look around you – see it while you still can.

  • They kill people while claiming to save lives.
  • They push vaccines while admitting they don’t work
  • They present the physically impossible as an ongoing reality
  • They completely invert the meaning of words and yet claim nothing has changed
  • They attack reason as irrationality and tell you insanity is sense
  • They paint farce as tragedy and real tragedy as “necessary evil”.
  • They laugh, and tell you they are crying.
  • They almost literally report 2+2=5 and call anyone who claims it’s 4 a “five denier”.
Is this just the symptom of an establishment and media so far removed from normal human experience they no longer understand it well enough to fake it?

Perhaps. But I think it could be something more.

Just hear me out…

I have argued before that a primary goal of the new normal agenda to disrupt each human individual’s relationship with the real world.

In my piece on the UN’s “Global Digital Compact” I described it thus:

the final aim of globalist policy [is] control of all aspects of life, achieved by inserting a digital filter between people and reality. Banking, communication, media consumption, shopping. Every interaction you have will be through a digital membrane which can both monitor your exchanges with the world and – if deemed necessary – deny you access to that world.
By making every purchase remote, every interaction digital, they can effectively disrupt everybody’s ability to interact with reality.

However, it could be there’s also a more subtle and potentially destructive policy at play – one that attacks people’s ability to understand or even perceive that reality.

A war on, for want of a better word, realness : the physical laws that govern our world, the emotional responses of human to human, the very existence of rational thought.

This is the perfidious unreality of the “new normal”: Nurturing and normalising a pervasive persistent state of non-real.

Why? What is the benefit of cultivating unreality?

Well, that’s a complicated question with a twisting trail of intertwining potential answers.

I have written before about the psychopathic individual’s tendency to lie to no purpose, to lie even when the truth would serve their interests better. This is because psychopaths are control addicts, and the ultimate expression of control is to create a fake world and make people live in it.

This applies to institutions as well as individuals. Perhaps more so. To an authoritarian ruling elite insane narratives serve as both loyalty test and humiliation ritual.

If they give you something impossible to believe, and you don’t question it, you are demonstrating greater loyalty to the authority above you than to the reality around you.

The more absurd the lie you believe – or claim to believe – the more loyal you are to the Party. The more you pretzel your own mind at the command of the establishment the lower you sink in obeisance, the more you humiliate yourself.

The more you humiliate yourself, the more you are no longer your own person.

Humiliation is the ultimate demonstration of control, and demonstrating control is important to a grasping power structure built on insecurity and forever teetering on the edge of collapse.

This idea of social control via collective belief predates Covid by decades.

Take “The magic bullet theory”, an explanation which is no explanation at all. Theoretical physics stretched to near-breaking point.

It literally has the word “magic” in it.

And people repeated it, maybe even believed it, rather than deal with the real world in which such an idea was clearly ridiculous.

Trading in their sanity for the comfort of belonging.

Telling outrageously nonsensical lies allows you to demonstrate your power over people. But it also allows you to cultivate that power. To prepare soil where useful lies can take root easily.

Because it’s easiest to lie to people who have no idea what truth means. Because if I can convince you to abandon sense, my narratives are no longer bound by the crushing monotony of causality, linear time or the laws of physics.

In a world of no reason or rule, everything I tell you becomes inherently believable. In a world where nothing is true, anything could be.

I can tell you that me taking your money makes us both richer, and you’ll never realise I’m robbing you.

I can tell you that bars and chains are an expression of freedom, and you’ll never realise you’re my slave.

In short, they use crazy narratives to erode the idea of objective truth, because if you don’t even know such a thing exists you are a lot easier to control.
This is the perfidious unreality of the “new normal”. It’s not just about deception or fakery or propaganda.

It’s about breaking your spirit and your mind.
Its intentional

And they’re conditioning people not to say it, and eventually not to even see it.

Look around you – see it while you still can.

  • They kill people while claiming to save lives.
  • They push vaccines while admitting they don’t work
  • They present the physically impossible as an ongoing reality
  • They completely invert the meaning of words and yet claim nothing has changed
  • They attack reason as irrationality and tell you insanity is sense
  • They paint farce as tragedy and real tragedy as “necessary evil”.
  • They laugh, and tell you they are crying.
  • They almost literally report 2+2=5 and call anyone who claims it’s 4 a “five denier”.
Is this just the symptom of an establishment and media so far removed from normal human experience they no longer understand it well enough to fake it?

Perhaps. But I think it could be something more.

Just hear me out…

I have argued before that a primary goal of the new normal agenda to disrupt each human individual’s relationship with the real world.

In my piece on the UN’s “Global Digital Compact” I described it thus:

By making every purchase remote, every interaction digital, they can effectively disrupt everybody’s ability to interact with reality.

However, it could be there’s also a more subtle and potentially destructive policy at play – one that attacks people’s ability to understand or even perceive that reality.

A war on, for want of a better word, realness : the physical laws that govern our world, the emotional responses of human to human, the very existence of rational thought.

This is the perfidious unreality of the “new normal”: Nurturing and normalising a pervasive persistent state of non-real.

Why? What is the benefit of cultivating unreality?

Well, that’s a complicated question with a twisting trail of intertwining potential answers.

I have written before about the psychopathic individual’s tendency to lie to no purpose, to lie even when the truth would serve their interests better. This is because psychopaths are control addicts, and the ultimate expression of control is to create a fake world and make people live in it.

This applies to institutions as well as individuals. Perhaps more so. To an authoritarian ruling elite insane narratives serve as both loyalty test and humiliation ritual.

If they give you something impossible to believe, and you don’t question it, you are demonstrating greater loyalty to the authority above you than to the reality around you.

The more absurd the lie you believe – or claim to believe – the more loyal you are to the Party. The more you pretzel your own mind at the command of the establishment the lower you sink in obeisance, the more you humiliate yourself.

The more you humiliate yourself, the more you are no longer your own person.

Humiliation is the ultimate demonstration of control, and demonstrating control is important to a grasping power structure built on insecurity and forever teetering on the edge of collapse.

This idea of social control via collective belief predates Covid by decades.

Take “The magic bullet theory”, an explanation which is no explanation at all. Theoretical physics stretched to near-breaking point.

It literally has the word “magic” in it.

And people repeated it, maybe even believed it, rather than deal with the real world in which such an idea was clearly ridiculous.

Trading in their sanity for the comfort of belonging.

Telling outrageously nonsensical lies allows you to demonstrate your power over people. But it also allows you to cultivate that power. To prepare soil where useful lies can take root easily.

Because it’s easiest to lie to people who have no idea what truth means. Because if I can convince you to abandon sense, my narratives are no longer bound by the crushing monotony of causality, linear time or the laws of physics.

In a world of no reason or rule, everything I tell you becomes inherently believable. In a world where nothing is true, anything could be.

I can tell you that me taking your money makes us both richer, and you’ll never realise I’m robbing you.

I can tell you that bars and chains are an expression of freedom, and you’ll never realise you’re my slave.

In short, they use crazy narratives to erode the idea of objective truth, because if you don’t even know such a thing exists you are a lot easier to control.
This is the perfidious unreality of the “new normal”. It’s not just about deception or fakery or propaganda.

It’s about breaking your spirit and your mind.
Democrats: breaking American society down to the least common denominator.
Want to know who rules you? You will be called names if you ask. Right now you should be beyond fear of a name or label. Are you? Discussion time.?

AIPAC lobby congress get things done and get USA tax payer dollars given to them every year. In turn they spend some of that gifted money on the politicians that gifted them with gifts in return. Anyone missing the gifting = that would be the USA tax payers incurring and responsible for the debts. Same process is happening with Ukraine before Israel got their mini 9-11.
Want a glimpse into their round robin of power tripping… Watch this video….. main content was on MSNBC. Wonder how many ppl seen it?

The American ppl have got to stop cringing over being called a racist or antisemitic while you are being robbed of tax dollars and sunk into unapproved debt. The left and right are bought with our tax dollars to serve another country.
Well .... at least Boeing met their DEI goals ..... but, what about panels blowing out of their airplanes?

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You can’t have unqualified ppl doing a qualified job or there will be set backs. Takes time to develop experience. Remember that rich guy and those rich ppl in his private sub getting turned into soup at Titanic depths. He was all about diversity and even claimed hate white men. Now he is juice. ??? There is a reason suppose to be licensed and qualified to work on aircraft, direct air traffic control, and fly aircraft. You generally want the best ppl for those jobs because mistakes are very serious. Same for doctors and such. Most things had training called apprenticeships or internships for a reason. Lot of Companies wanted to save money and did away with those apprenticeship programs. Hahaha

A doctor might kill a few ppl by mistake. An aircraft mechanic can kill hundreds or thousands ppl depending on where the aircraft crashes due to a mistake. The doctor is paid a lot more money then the mechanic …. Most ppl should also think about this next time some young kid is working on their automobiles’ brakes. Was he trained? What if the young guy is trained and the old guy thee is not so can’t judge a book by the cover.

the medical industry ran aground when it became a business that treated symptoms vs cures - I went to a doctor ….the doctor asked me for my symptoms then punched everything into laptop for a computer programmed solution. Doctors are suppose to stay ahead of our failures. Cars are designed to self destruct after the warranty expires….or so they hope but sometimes good mechs can’t stay ahead of the failures. Planes are expected to operate for x amount of flight ours and have required service requirements.

I like reading the forum “Up in Smoke” here …. Trial by Fire. Theory put to the test ppl not knowing what they are doing getting classes at school of hard knocks. A lot can be learned - discovered in that forum.

I remember a time when the Military bragged about being the most discriminating job in the World. Lot of ppl got the boot. I’d venture to say that has changed drastically for a large portion of Our Military now. Especially being so desperate for new - volunteer recruits. If they start the draft then the women can get ready to serve too. Gander and Goose . Equal Rights.