diy solar

diy solar

HQST 60A CC minor issue


Solar Addict
Aug 4, 2021
So I picked up one of these based on some info in a different thread. So far I like it and it works at least as good as my Renogy Rover 40. However, there is one minor bur annoying issue that I wonder if anyone else with one of these sees. When I use the app and go to the Historical Data page, it shows the wrong number of Total Running Days. For example. yesterday it said 3 days and today it says 6 days. Whats up with that? I can clear the data and it resets to 0 days, but then it happens again. Anyone else have this issue? Guess I will contact HQST and see what they say, just thought I would ask if anyone else has that issue.
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Maybe the have a software update? So yes, contact them, or get good at dividing by two?!

Software is up to date. I does not seem to always be a multiple of two. The other day it said 11 days and I had only had it for 3 days. It did initially say 0 days. I did email them and they replied wanting some more info and screenshots. I reset the historical data yesterday and so far today it still says 1 day. I have to try something later if it does not act up. I have removed the solar input several times (early in the morning) in order to move panels and cables. It's possible that is triggering something in the counter.
have removed the solar input several times (early in the morning) in order to move panels and cables. It's possible that is triggering something in the counter.
That was the second thing I thought of- trigger from ‘night’ is light so it makes more eggs if the light cycles in the henhouse
So, I contacted HQST and they were pretty quick to respond asking for some more info and some screenshots. I sent them the info they requested (twice) and now nothing but crickets. <shrug>

In any case, after some more monitoring, it appears that disconnecting the solar input (even in low light) somehow triggers it into adding a day. Poor programming IMO because it knows what the actual date is and should only be going by that to calculate the number of days.