diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Victron is 10 times as expensive as Voltronic

    And in the latest shock news... here in the UK an Audi e-tron Sportback electric is 10 times more expensive than a Citroen Ami I'm not seeing any evidence that the Citroen Ami is no good, is low quality, is unreliable, etc. And I could put 10 of the Citroen Ami's in a 5s2p configuration...
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    I feel sad too but I am also concerned there may be a 'slippery slope' developing here... I am not based in the USA and so unlikely to ever use SS, CC or any of the other major US-based solar suppliers. My comments are just from an outsider's viewpoint reading these posts which, as @shopman...
  • Post in thread: will i ever get my inverter returned to me

    Oh... fantastic... that's alright then... I'm sure the OP without an inverter for 4 months is suitably reassured that all is OK and it wasn't deliberate :unsure: 6 emails and one phone call isn't an oversight IMHO - but maybe I'm just old fashioned? ? Why is it these days that so many...
  • Post in thread: Hooterville Co Op noticed my EG4 Solar A/C with 2700W ground mount panels - need advice on response?

    Dear Mr @Plum Crazy Rob, We are sending you this letter regarding your solar installation. After an inspection of our line, it was brought to out attention that there are solar panels on the north side of your property. Seeing the panels in the yard we would like to know why you only have 4...
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    You have customers who know what a volt is ? :eek: Maybe if you count @Hedges and @RCinFLA as your customers? ;) A long time ago, just after the electron was discovered, I got a degree in electronic engineering and still can't get my head around whether it's an electromagnetic force, an...
  • Post in thread: Addicted to Solar (forum)

    Been here virtually a year and just realised this is my 1000th posting! :eek: Note to self... must get out more ✈️⛱️?:cool::ROFLMAO:
  • Post in thread: Hello Everyone

    Excuse me.... Did you not read Code of Conduct... rule 3.. " Be civil. If multiple members complain about disruptive behavior of a member, they will be banned. Be respectful to others, and treat others how you would like to be treated." I personally find your comments regarding our @Hedges...
  • Post in thread: Deciding to DIY my solar battery was one of my worst mistakes ever

    LOL... lucky you... I had to use a soldering iron to build my first computer. Not just for connecting bits together, but soldering all the components to the PCB... Yes, I am that old 👩‍💻👵
  • Post in thread: Why the laser focus on Idle Power?

    LOL... 7 answers all saying the same thing. See, we do agree about some things on here :)
  • Post in thread: Build a LiFePO4 battery or buy one already made?

    I'd say it depends on the amount of storage you are looking at. For 5kWh it would not be much more cost effective by the time you've added all the bits (BMS, housing, fuses etc). But if you are looking at 15kWh+, then yes, still cost-effective. I have a DIY 280Ah (14.3kWh) system, which worked...
  • Post in thread: Why why why does my wind turbine not spin

    I suspect the power supply you have connected it to is not powerful enough to get it to rotate ;)
  • Post in thread: Problem with Solarcabin Channel - AIBU?

    @crossy Sure, I could ignore him... but then I won't see the technical inaccuracies that need to be corrected for the sake of others.
  • Post in thread: One Hundred Thousand!

    I thought most people on here want to save the planet by getting a chainsaw out on those pesky trees ;) Well done Will & everyone who contributes.
  • Post in thread: Considering DIY Long distance from panels

    Unbelievable! Another incorrect posting from our new self-claimed solar-emperor. @Solarcabin Channel PLEASE ONLY ADVISE ON THINGS THAT YOU HAVE ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE ABOUT There will be less power loss if you run the high-voltage DC from the panels to the house, rather than invert to 110V...
  • Post in thread: Why did this make me think of @timselectric?

    So, I was browsing the BBC news and came across an article about Chinese manufacturing... But, in my mind's eye, I'm thinking... they've surely just taken a picture of @timselectric's yard ;)
  • Post in thread: Delete

    Why did you delete all your questions that I spent time thinking about and answering? Even if you have solved your issue, the benefit of a forum is that others can search and find answers to similar problems. If you remove all your questions my time has been wasted :(
  • Post in thread: Problem with Solarcabin Channel - AIBU?

    To all including @Will Prowse, @Supervstech, @upnorthandpersonal... Am I being unreasonable or do others have an issue with @Solarcabin Channel? This new member has been here for only one week, but has made already over 290 postings, a number of which contain technically inaccuracies...
  • Post in thread: What was your most interesting recent non solar project?

    Nice thread idea! I get a lot of satisfaction from fixing anything that is broken, rather than having to buy new. Usually those things are electronic or electrical that I fix for myself, family or friends as that's my background. But I was very proud when I successfully replaced a bearing...
  • Post in thread: Problem with Solarcabin Channel - AIBU?

    I see where you are coming from and I suspect it will be eventually removed... once @Crowz wife has had the change to read it, that is! However a) our solarcabin friend has put me on ignore, so he won't see it and b) as I mentioned above... When I started this thread it was initially put on...
  • Post in thread: December PV starting off crappy again.

    Look on the bright side (pun not intended)... We can all(*) start celebrating after Fri, 22 Dec 2023 @ 3:27 am UTC :) ☀️ * By all, I mean all on this thread - apologies to our southern hemisphere members!
  • Post in thread: What's the best solar-related item you bought in 2023?

    Or... 18K is for 18 Kelvin... maybe that's the temperature you have to super-cool that inverter to, to get the advertised output ;)
  • Post in thread: LiFePo4 Shelf Life?

    Of course, sharing experiences, sharing issues & answering questions is what the forum is all about. I was, of course, referring to the arrogance, provocation and misogyny in your replies, but, unsurprisingly, you've seemed to have missed my point. Oh!... I see now... your latest posting as I...
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    I agree, but, if the OP doesn't agree to share, I think this thread should be removed, as the subject/title is rather damning of SS, without evidence. (sorry, just IMHO that is... I'm just a member here!)
  • Post in thread: Ultra cheap (~20 cents per watt) Tier 1 solar panels from a new solar distributor

    No need for you to spend your time doing that... I heard that FedEx offers that type of testing already...
  • Post in thread: GUIDE to properly Top-Balance and Charge a LFP Battery: Part 1

    ... is that you, my @Solarcabin Channel friend? ;)
  • Post in thread: What's the best solar-related item you bought in 2023?

    And kinda sad... the older I get the more I appreciate the things that I have kept from years gone by. I have stuff from the 80's and early 90's that says Made in Britain, or Made in USA, or Made in Germany and they're built so solidly will probably outlast me.
  • Post in thread: Cool text this morning from customer

    (y)... especially as the associated text which says "I hope to be selling a ton of these systems" implies that this installation has been constructed by a SS reseller or installer, rather than just some wealthy DIYer :unsure:
  • Post in thread: Funny story about the east-west panel spread-out idea

    Two problems... a) Where do I buy triangular panels and b) You'd have to factor in the losses caused by the shading that the kids generate :unsure::LOL:
  • Post in thread: Run from Signature Solar!!!

    Get your ? now, before the DIYSolarForum kiosk runs out ?
  • Post in thread: LiFePo4 Shelf Life?

    but then provokes @sunshine_eggo with... eh? :confused: .. but has signed up with the name @Solarcabin Channel and profile says "I have several books and cabin plans available for free or low cost on my website." And personally I find it distasteful when you say... Sorry, but this is...