diy solar

diy solar

Is there an easy way to clean this?


Nov 18, 2019
I know it’s a little over-the-top, but I want to routinely (edit-clean several) clean the contact area on busbars where the lug lands.

Getting in there with a piece of sandpaper is marginal. Getting in there with the file is too much.

Shirley there is some tool I’m not thinking of that would allow me to lightly scuff the spot before bolting it up. Any ideas?IMG_8901.jpeg
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Go to a welding supply store or hardware store and in the welding area they have different metal brushes for cleaning the slag off of welds. Copper, Stainless brushes may provide the needed soft buffing depending on what the material is there.
Search Amazon for a wheel stud cleaner. See if you can find something like that but for smaller studs.
I’d drill a hole in a dowel of the diameter of the threads of the bus bar

Then add sticky tape sand paper or scotchbite to the end of the dowel and then rotate around the threads, use the grit of your choosing.

Also don’t call me Shirley!
Yeah. Though going to all this effort to do it once; do it right. Seems a shame not to address one of the primary contact surfaces.