diy solar

diy solar

Little Plastic Electrical Connectors


Solar Wizard
Sep 27, 2020
Hello Everyone,

I am looking for how to make those little electrical connectors that go on Fans and other small draw items. Also I was thinking of making my own connectors for the Tenery 5-in-1 meter for my own batteries - see photo. I just don't know the proper terminology to find the items - So I figured I would ask everyone here. I figure once I find the correct name - I can youtube the instructions.

Also does anyone know of a good cheaper cell meter that will read the voltages of all four cells at the same time. I saw Wil using one in his video's

DIY Lithium Battery "Active Cell Balancer" Explained and Tested. Great for LiFePO4!​

at time 6:14.

Thanks for your help.
