diy solar

diy solar

RIGID HVAC a/c unit

OP uses magic insulation with no windows so he has a perfect R value. Already asked for his magic insulation recipe but didn't get any info
The last sentance "this is not me" kind of jumped out at me that he believes something will work for him that hasnt for others. I think we have all done this before, when we really want something to work like we imagine it will.
You dismiss negative reviews, "they must be doing something wrong", or we are smarter than everyone else, or they just didnt put in the effort.
It often leads to expensive purchasing decision mistakes.
I pay attention to negative reviews, if it happens to them, it can happen to me.
In a related issue, thats how to leave negative reviews that really hurt a bad product. Be reasonable, dont rant angry or be an ass****. The reader should think your experience could happen to them too.
I'm not sure comparing to a portable AC unit is a good comparison. The portable unit needs the hot air ported outside and the exhaust tube running though the van to outside is in efficient. I doubt the 2300 btu rating on that unit reflects real world cooling.

I think that's also one of the units that pulls in air for the hot side from inside the conditioned space, hears it, an exhausts it outside. Meaning the make up air is sucked in from outside, pulling in hot air.,

First point, I have seen a youtube video where the zero breeze was installed with its outlet attached to a hose and the unit enclosed, so, functionally it operated the same as the Rigid. It would just be a more complicated install.
(I think the Rigid is better, Im not pitching the zero breeze, just using numbers for comparison)
Second point, no, the zero breeze 2 is a true dual hose AC with an intake and an exhaust hose.
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Second point, no, the zero breeze 2 is a true dual hose AC with an intake and an exhaust hose.
Fair enough, a quick Google showed only one hose connected to the rear. Digging deeper, your right.

While I doubt BTU specs, I don't doubt either company's power draw specs which, not accounting for how efficient each unit is, would directly relate to cooling power.

The Rigid unit linked in the first post is 8 amps at 12v vs 240 watts for the Zero Breeze 2.
Looks like the Zero Breeze would have about double the cooling power, plus have the benefit of some possible warranty if something goes wrong. I'm 100% sure that I'm on my own of my Rigid chiller fails.
”Most reviews are van people with poor poorly insulated to no insulated vans, with lots of zero insulated glass that traps heat. These review are useless feedback for me as the van is a fail from the start so, yes, a small ac will fail for sure in a metal can. That is not me."

You know this how? Youve seen their vans, and know they dont have insulation?
Most people that self build van conversions are pretty thorough. Theyre on the same mission as you. And since they dont want people peeping in their living space, theres usually a barrier of some kind behind the front seats. In fact the va
Yes, thanks for asking. I do know because these were all video reviews that showed everything inside their van, so yes, you can see how their van is built, you can see bare door frames exposed inside, can see acres of window glass too, can see their build technique that radiates heat through the walls and ceilings via the metal, so yes, I do know, but I look, did not peep.
Having done many projects there are things that pop out that I see only bc I have experience that I would not see before gaining experience.

The reason I am specifically looking for Rigid users is that the reviews were all inconclusive for many reasons such as poor insulation, no front window barrier, poor use of the item, and then the other options are using portable units that themselves have very bad reviews etc.

My insulation is not magic, but the reason I do not share too much info is because I am not looking or needing feedback on my insulation, it is far better than all the van builds that have used the Rigid and done a review, and 99% of the vans I have ever seen, does not mean that your van is lesser, but that I just have not seen it. I appreciate everyone trying to guess based on looking at the Rigid website if it would work for me or not, but I have already guess too and cannot guess without hearing from Rigid users with better insulated small spaces.
Something that does not work blowing against a hot wall or window tells me little unfortunately.

I have more specific questions, but will be happy to discuss insulation and build on a separate forum thread with its own topic.
The original interest is on the Rigid unit, which nobody so far has ever seen or owned, so after 3 pages her we are.