diy solar

diy solar

Fighting Disinformation ..... or Censoring Oppostion.

Another excellent article on Government Propaganda

The Propaganda Problem

To begin, there is a dearth of evidence to show widespread inculcation of homeschooled students with so-called radical political or religious ideologies. The media often provide anecdotes that are supposed to represent the larger reality, but, in fact, a National Center for Education Statistics survey from 2019 showed that “a desire to provide religious instruction” was only the fifth most popular reason for homeschooling (chosen by 58.9 percent of parents) whereas the most popular reason to homeschool was “a concern about school environment, such as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure” (chosen by 80.3 percent of parents, who could choose more than one reason in this survey).

Does such a reason strike you as ideologically or religiously radical? I would be much more judgmental of parents who were not concerned about their children’s school environments.

However, I concede it is undeniably true that homeschooled students—like any students or human beings, for that matter—can be propagandized by any type of ideology: right, left, center, or otherwise. I know of no person or teaching materials that are truly unbiased because to be so would entail having no opinions and providing all available information on a subject without any explanations. So, every teacher, parent, textbook, online course, or forum post is, by nature, biased in some way. Of course, this fact also means that government school or private school students are also susceptible to and recipients of propaganda daily.

Moreover, such propaganda is inculcated far more effectively and efficiently via government schools that continue to churn out obedient and often intellectually incurious citizens who rarely question the morality or composition of the state that rules over them. This assertion should be self-evident through obedience to mask mandates, pledges of allegiance to flags, continued support for America’s overseas “defense” campaigns, and the strong contention among many citizens that democracy and voting are salubrious for all of us.

Regarding this efficiency and effectiveness, let us think numerically for a moment. The plurality (23.9 percent) of school districts in the United States in 2020–21 enrolled between 1,000 and 2,499 students, with an average per-school enrollment of 555 students. The total public school enrollment was roughly forty-nine million in 2023 versus 3.1 million homeschooled students. (About 5.5 million students attended private schools.) Thus, approximately 85 percent of school-age children attended public schools last year.

At the same time, the average number of children per family in the United States was 1.94. Therefore, the reach of a homeschool parent’s propaganda is severely limited compared to that of the government. A public school reaches, on average, 555 students while a parent reaches, on average, two. Further, we know that students in government schools are receiving information that is vetted and approved by that very government (via local school boards), so students in such schools are undeniably being propagandized to think in a certain uniform way. No such uniformity exists or should be expected among millions of diverse homeschoolers, whose “school” experiences will vary widely—thus impeding the spread of any single ideology, unlike in government schools.

The effectiveness of this unitary government-school propaganda, furthermore, is undeniable. One primary piece of evidence for the success of government schools in this regard is the fact that most parents still send their children to government schools and never think twice about the coercive way those schools are funded—while simultaneously teaching their children that stealing is wrong. Despite the rapid growth in homeschooling since the covid lockdowns, government schools still enroll the vast majority of students, as I detailed above, and parents still generally approve of their local schools.

Government Sets the Standard for Propaganda

Government schools also earn an A+ for keeping people ignorant or misinformed, especially about history, government, and economics. Indeed, only half of Americans surveyed in 2008 could name the three branches of government, and only 18 percent and 23 percent of eighth graders were proficient in US history and civics, respectively, according to the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress report.

How many of those students also believe Pearl Harbor was an unprompted sneak attack, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, that capitalism caused the Great Depression, or that Abraham Lincoln took the country to war because of slavery? Is such misinformation not also propaganda that tens of millions of students imbibe each year? Consider also the mindlessness of pledging allegiance to a flag each morning—a pledge written by a socialist who was concerned about “every alien immigrant of inferior race” eroding American values. Ironically, the “under God” section of the pledge was added to differentiate America from “godless Communism.”

When the state mentions God, no worries; it’s apparently only those religious people in flyover countries who are the problem.

Finally, the government school system was established specifically to propagandize students and to encourage obedience (to Protestant ways) and uniform thinking (i.e., not diversity and inclusion). Thus, although government-school leaders may trumpet the diversity of melanin or gender, true diversity—diversity of thought—is not to be abided. This type of diversity is one in which government schools actively do not participate because it is antithetical to their mission and organization and dangerous to their propagation. Homeschoolers, on the other hand, will learn different ideas, perspectives, and information and will display a panoply of thoughts simply because they are not part of a centralized, bureaucratic, one-size-fits-none system.

You and I may disagree with some of those ideas, but it is simply irrational to say that homeschoolers from disparate families in different areas of the country learning diverse ideas from varied curricula will somehow be uniformly propagandized at any rate even close to that of government-school students. Don’t believe me? If you went to a government school, just compare your experiences and what you learned in school to those of a friend or family member from out of state. How much learning diversity do you find on key issues? As the old saying goes, if everyone is thinking the same thing, then someone isn’t thinking.

We also should consider that, according to Gallup polls and others, religious conviction in the United States is shrinking, not growing. In fact, according to Gallup data, between 2000 and 2022, the percentage of Americans who said religion was “not very important” to them rose from 12 percent to 28 percent.

Unfortunately, Gallup does not ask Americans a similar question about government (i.e., if government is important in their lives), but they do ask if people think government has too much power. A majority does think so. However, a majority also thinks that government should have a greater role in seven of its functions (out of eleven provided). Such logically and morally inconsistent responses demonstrate what we might expect after twelve years of government propaganda: people will complain about government, but in the end, they support and often want it to do even more—especially if that “more” benefits their chosen groups.

Thus, we find ourselves in a time of decreasing religious faith but static or even increasing belief in the government’s role in society, despite complaints to the contrary. We also find ourselves in a time in which over 85 percent of children attend government schools to learn about the important roles of government in society and the morality and necessity of democracy. Whose propaganda should we really fear?

As an anecdote of the power of the current system’s propaganda, I offer an example from my time as a high school teacher. In response to an article we read in class, a sophomore wrote the following, which I paraphrase: “Nazis killed to kill; Americans kill to protect. Also, our government is completely different in political views and doesn’t lie to us like the Nazis did. Lastly, Hitler was a dictator, which we don’t have or support in America.”

Are such beliefs any less propagandistic than whatever a homeschooler might learn? Are such beliefs more or less easily transmitted to large groups of people in the government school system versus at home?

If we are being intellectually honest, we know the answers to those test questions.
The same Ronald Reagan that gave complete vaccine inury immunity to big pharma.

Yes the same President they tried to murder and finally got him to do as they say. ` they shot him March 30, 1981.
You ever had someone try and kill you. It changed Reagan and then they drugged the shit out of him. They finally controlled him.
You keep expecting Jesus from average man. Or simply do nothing approach. Trump is not Jesus but it is the best direction atm. Your PLAN of doing nothing sucks. You can sit back and relax don't want you get involved. Least you can do is STFU until after November 2024. Stop trying to get ppl not to vote. You are just sitting there not doing anything at all. Blah blah watch Corbett

Have you ever been in military? Have you ever been in combat? 1 person acting like you can get everyone killed. Is that what you want? Trying get everyone to just sit down and get killed? Get it over with. Are you suicidal?

Corbett is not doing anything except making money from ppl like you. He knows what Obuma did. Nobody is saying vote and done. We are telling ppl to get involved get into it. Corbett is a weak man - a CUCK that ran to Japan. Corbett is friggin timid rabbit that has fled. AENYC are you Corbett? Are you living in Japan? This is your leader = Corbett?

He has it right for damage done by Obama, Q damage, Trump, Gates, Musk, so on. That is all common knowledge it is not new to me. Might be new to most ppl. Most other ppl already know or are closed mind. Yes ppl have to remind each other that billionaires got their money from us - WE THE PEOPLE. At some point ppl were screwed out of their money.

I watched this Corbett video and it is everything you dribble. It must have impressed you. No? Was it new to you? I am trying my best to communicate with you but for some reason you think everyone is retarded and or stupid or ignorant. Only you know anything. Which might be true. Try to talk to ppl vs talking at.

34:00 QTards
38:00 Trump
43:00 covid
47:00 threat to candidate
49:00 vote only - hopium
50:00 biden bs - i say he has always been screwed up
52:00 the British accent faggot blah blah
54:00 Corbett - biden
54:30 Gates
55:30 musk
57:30 Rogan -musk british accent faggot speaking blah blah blah
1:00 Super Friends
1:15 population reduction
1:04 musk train
1:06 x twitter convert wee chat chinese version brain chips
1:07 AI
1:09 predictive programming
1:11 how to fix ???
1:12 impossible to fix
1:13 stage play is bs you have to do something
1:15 sky is falling from britsh fag accent blah blah blah
1:16 voting
1:17 video ends not 1 god damn was solved not 1 god damn thing solved

So wasted 1 hour 17 minutes watching history that everyone should know. Not 1 thing was solved just history. Waste of time rehashing what I already knew. Corbett ran his Canadian ass to Japan… that is his real and obvious solution. Run rabbit run. Make money off talking selling past history no plans for changing solving just displayed RUN RABBIT RUN. Not 1 word was new. A mental midget might find it interesting.

Again Corbett is a timid rabbit that is Run Rabbit Run. Cartoon spraying fire extinguisher over his shoulder as he runs away from the fire. To hot -to hot -gotta go.

Corbett is obvious someone you respect that opened your eyes for the first time and turns out he is a RUNNER. IS THAT YOUR SOLUTION. Run hide live under bed?

You put corbett on a pedestal because he opened your eyes. You worship Corbett. But your hero has no solution. He RAN LIKE A SCARED RABBIT…. Lives in Japan.

He looks at Japan as safe and structured…. Isolated exactly why he ran there. Crime for now is not tolerated. Run Rabbit Run. Most Rabbits get ate by the predator. Just a matter of time. You too rabbit. Keep running and they will eventually get you.
Better to be the mouse backed into the corner shooting the cat middle finger.

You remind me of the Qtards that just started looking, finding new stuff, and want to act crazy with their new found - old information.

Here is a clue: This shit goes back to the bible days and before to when it was recorded for the pharisees killing Jesus with the Romans as the sword-weapon. That did 2 things set the Romans up to be taken over by jews and christians. Nero converted to Judaism But he blamed christians for rome burning down then he squandered Rome's wealth built himself a nice home on scorched earth …sorta like Maui. Lot of similar history repeating. Now are you ready? The jews control christianity, islam, and judaism. Jews are the keepers - caretakers of religion. That is their job. Probably other religions like worshipping climate change or vaccine worship.
Ppl that really look can see the religion of climate change too.
Ppl that really look can see the religion of vaccine worship.
The religion of ppl worshipping science…unquestioned too.

Most ppl are religious or replace old religions with something new.
It is a human condition.
The Illuminati are beyond religions. Satan Lucifer Morning Star
Religion and such are how they rule from the top and pit ppl against ppl to get and keep control from WE THE PEOPLE..
They create and keep all the shit going like wars. Ozzie Osborn sang about them as War Pigs.

Ppl like musk want to implant ppl - our brains with technology to gain permanent control. BECOME The movie the Matrix - tickled ppl’s brain with sci-fi mixed with message. Also about plugging in…. Ala Musk Matrix brain implant. It could be good or it could be bad. History shows most good things turn bad.

Our world is full of choices call me whatever but my chosen religion is Christianity as in Jesus to God. I don’t worship jews but am using their created religion of Christianity for morals vs being pagan vs being illuminati.
My solution is political vs war and definitely better than nothing at all. I didn’t like War in Military. My mind is now better at ease with focus and direction with conditional situational awareness. We want control and stability or we ride roller coaster with hands in air screaming like an idiot.
Most serious crime like mass murder is tied to godless ppl with no morals and SSRI. Radical religions can create crazy mf’ers too.

A non-practicing jew in Israel explained all this to me ~40+ years ago. Those jewish groups say all religions are bs. Yet watch even as they get dragged into some form of new religion such as worshipping science. A new golden calf. 🤣😀

Zealots are non-practicing jews and they still exist to this day. 🤣😀

What have told you is shit Corbett doesn’t know…or maybe he has it figured out and RAN TO JAPAN LIKE A SCARED RABBIT.

Humans are perfect machines… in Bible we are recorded as living for hundreds of years. We have polluted our bodies and our minds. Most all religions have similar stories - teachings. At some point you have to decide what you believe in or don’t believe. For each person it is different and some are taught from birth via parents . Ppl like Trump binds ppl and that is good or bad. Depends on views and perceptions. To the Left Trump is Satan or Right’s Jesus….. to the mild Right he is a savior for everything conditional that has been made to feel like Sodom and Gomorrah right now. Boiler pot…. pot luck stew.

If you didn’t read any of it the short message is stop being a dick head about voting or Go find a group of Leftist and convince the Leftist not to vote Bob, checkthisout, and myself will cheer you on at being a Leftist non voter promoter where they live. Get a HUGE leftist following like piped piper and lead them to stay away from elections and voting. Go to college campuses and preach non-voting at the leftist basket weaving class group. Or the catch all easy class called education of low paid whiners. Corbett ran. Did you gain anything? I gained nothing from Corbett…zero. He is a rabbit. Long shit never gets read. Long videos never get watched in most cases
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I will have to admit .... You are VERY skilled at finding some bit of evidence about pretty much anyone that disqualifies them.

You still don't realize it's the preponderance of the evidence that matters ... You know, the forest.

Ah, your worldview was disturbed?
May be it is you who does not see the forest for the trees? (Aka every single puppet in chief working for the globalist agenda since at least 1913)
@D71 I suggest you stop attacking the messenger and instead attack the message. Also, try to form coherent thought, a lot of you postings sounds very psychotic - you jump all over the place without making coherent sense. I mean this sinserely, if you want people to pay attention to your posts.
@D71 I suggest you stop attacking the messenger and instead attack the message. Also, try to form coherent thought, a lot of you postings sounds very psychotic - you jump all over the place without making coherent sense. I mean this sinserely, if you want people to pay attention to your posts.
Rubber glue

If you didn’t read any of it the short message is stop being a dick head about voting or Go find a group of Leftist and convince the Leftist not to vote Bob, checkthisout, and myself will cheer you on at being a Leftist non voter promoter where they live. Get a HUGE leftist following like piped piper and lead them to stay away from elections and voting. Go to college campuses and preach non-voting at the leftist basket weaving class group. Or the catch all easy class called education of low paid whiners. Corbett ran. Did you gain anything? I gained nothing from Corbett…zero. He is a rabbit. Long shit never gets read. Long videos never get watched in most cases
my chosen religion is Christianity
Dude stop. You are by no means a Christian. We Christians are known by our fruits. If youre a Christian you know exactly what this means. Please dont tell anyone youre Christian. .. no wonder the secular folks hate christianity. This is not my opinion... from reading what you write most of it is antibiblical.
Rubber glue

If you didn’t read any of it the short message is stop being a dick head about voting or Go find a group of Leftist and convince the Leftist not to vote Bob, checkthisout, and myself will cheer you on at being a Leftist non voter promoter where they live. Get a HUGE leftist following like piped piper and lead them to stay away from elections and voting. Go to college campuses and preach non-voting at the leftist basket weaving class group. Or the catch all easy class called education of low paid whiners. Corbett ran. Did you gain anything? I gained nothing from Corbett…zero. He is a rabbit. Long shit never gets read. Long videos never get watched in most cases

Stop attacking the messenger and instead get into the message. Its gets really old with you. You dont like Corbett, you dont like the Jews, you dont like anything making coherent sense. Any topic that gets posted gets turned into nonsense by many of your posts.
It almost seems your real job here is to disrupt any posts that contains actual useful "food for thought" information.
If you dont want to read it, that is fine, i already understand that it is useless to argue with you, so i just leave it at that. I know that i wont change your mind or that of Bob, nor do i intent to. As i said, i provide alternative source of information that i find interesting (And one that actually makes a lot of coherent sense) to anyone who maybe lurking in these forums. And i am totally fine if they make up their own mind, as they should.
Stop attacking the messenger and instead get into the message. Its gets really old with you. You dont like Corbett, you dont like the Jews, you dont like anything making coherent sense. Any topic that gets posted gets turned into nonsense by many of your posts.
It almost seems your real job here is to disrupt any posts that contains actual useful "food for thought" information.
If you dont want to read it, that is fine, i already understand that it is useless to argue with you, so i just leave it at that. I know that i wont change your mind or that of Bob, nor do i intent to. As i said, i provide alternative source of information that i find interesting (And one that actually makes a lot of coherent sense) to anyone who maybe lurking in these forums. And i am totally fine if they make up their own mind, as they should.
It is okay if you worship Corbett. Just admit you knew nothing until you found your Corbett. He is your religion.
Run rabbit run
It is okay if you worship Corbett. Just admit you knew nothing until you found your Corbett. He is your religion.
Run rabbit run

Unlike you i do not worship anyone.
But i listen to people who make coherent sense, present numerous hyperlinks including those to official sources (especially those, where the powers that be tell you exactly what they are going to do, but it does not get much attention in MSM and many alternative sources) in their research, that generally aligns with my own. (Based on years of observation, experience and generally applying logic and critical thought which is required for reading any kind of source)
Dude stop. You are by no means a Christian. We Christians are known by our fruits. If youre a Christian you know exactly what this means. Please dont tell anyone youre Christian. .. no wonder the secular folks hate christianity. This is not my opinion... from reading what you write most of it is antibiblical.
Go walk on water and hush
Unlike you i do not worship anyone.
But i listen to people who make coherent sense, present numerous hyperlinks in their research, that generally aligns with my own.

You put Corbett on a pedestal because he opened your eyes. You worship Corbett. But your hero has no solution. He RAN LIKE A SCARED RABBIT…. Lives in Japan.

He looks at Japan as safe and structured…. Isolated on an Island which is exactly why he ran there. Crime in Japan for now is not tolerated. Corbett is a Run Rabbit Run. Most Rabbits get ate by the predator in the end. Just a matter of time. You Keep running.

Where are you moving to? Japan ? Or are you there now?
You put Corbett on a pedestal because he opened your eyes. You worship Corbett. But your hero has no solution. He RAN LIKE A SCARED RABBIT…. Lives in Japan.

He looks at Japan as safe and structured…. Isolated on an Island which is exactly why he ran there. Crime in Japan for now is not tolerated. Corbett is a Run Rabbit Run. Most Rabbits get ate by the predator in the end. Just a matter of time. You Keep running.

Where are you moving to? Japan ? Or are you there now?

Stop attacking the messenger. I came to many conclusions Corbett has posted long before i found out about him. I do respect him quite a bit, and i am not alone. Many of the people who are very respected in their fields also respect him (Dr Nass, Dr Mercola, Robert Malone and many others who became prominent during covid craze).
But that does not really matter does it? What does the fact that he is in Japan or Japanese politics have anything to do with the subject? Are you falling to ad-hominem and irrelevant arguments because you have nothing to say on the relevant ones? Or is it "the jews" again?
Stop attacking the messenger. I came to many conclusions Corbett has posted long before i found out about him. I do respect him quite a bit, and i am not alone. Many of the people who are very respected in their fields also respect him (Dr Nass, Dr Mercola, Robert Malone and many others who became prominent during covid craze).
But that does not really matter does it? What does the fact that he is in Japan or Japanese politics have anything to do with the subject? Are you falling to ad-hominem and irrelevant arguments because you have nothing to say on the relevant ones? Or is it "the jews" again?
Nope just his plan of action after blah blah for 1 hour 17 minutes of that time wasting video to which you reflect in posting and opinion is to run to Japan. That was his solution. No standing his ground. Trying to fix anything just run rabbit run…to Japan.

Do you consider yourself the messenger or Corbett as the messenger or both?
Nope just his plan of action after blah blah for 1 hour 17 minutes of that time wasting video to which you reflect in posting and opinion is to run to Japan. That was his solution. No standing his ground. Trying to fix anything just run rabbit run…to Japan.

Do you consider yourself the messenger or Corbett as the messenger or both?

Attacking the messenger again.
I think at this point we can safely conclude that you have nothing to say on the actual topic at hand.
Attacking the messenger again.
I think at this point we can safely conclude that you have nothing to say on the actual topic at hand.
I said plenty the point is no one reads long messages or watches long videos. Corbett’s solution works for now which for him was to run to japan. When we all show up they will slam the door and or export ppl. You can only run for so long. Ppl running from former Red States to other Red States will after a while have no where to go. Maybe Japan. 🤣😀 run rabbit run “we have a runner”
Sorry I cant do that BUT my God did ...and He's Jewish!
So were the pharisees that petitioned the romans to nail him on the cross. Pilate washed his hands of it.