diy solar

diy solar

New home offgrid in fl

Solar Tech

New Member
Dec 1, 2019
100% electric
offgrid home
Just finished it last year
I used icf for a total concrete shell
HPWH (heatpump water heater)
Geothermal heat pump
I built everything myself. (Extreme DIY)
My trade is solar

Here is my system

I have videos of my home build on my channel

Here is a cool battery backup system i did a few months ago
How are you getting your certificate of occupancy? I thought Florida had a ban on off grid solar... no?
I believe its a city problem and wether or not the property previously had power company supply.
I have 2 other offgrid systems in other more strict counties but they were new construction.

I went offgrid just to be able to get more real world knowledge of depending on solar and to be able to design and build better systems for my clients.

My wife knows that we live offgrid but she doesn't know that we do. What i mean is that we did not change our lifestyle, usually we run the dishwasher
At night and do laundry whenever its convenient
For her. The ac is set to 72 and has been for over a year. I have tons of fantom loads that probably total 500w 24/7. I have a erv that runs 24/7 on high
I wanted to be able to forget that we are not even connected to the grid.
I have used about 50-60 gallons of diesel so far this year.
Im not happy about that so i do plan to add probably another 15kw of pv AC coupled, outback recently released frequency shift power control which is the only way to aAC couple offgrid imo and i would like to fill my battery cabinet back up to 140kwh (i had sold 70kwh for my kitchen cabinets lol)
I also will add another radian inverter
In the next year or to i want to get some teslas for us or whatever is out that is suitable for us so we will need alot of power as both of us travel 1-2 hours every few days and its always dark when we get back. Probably going to end up needing 240KWH.