diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

The morons who own gas stations just need to put in a few car chargers. Nothing about their business model has to change ... i.e. sell gas or electrons at mostly break-even prices and keep making a killing on the convenience store items and bad food they already sell.
Much agreed, Our local gas "Shell" station/ Dairy Queen installed (8) Tesla Supercharger stalls. Gas, Electric Charge, Ice Cream, Convenience store. Win/Win.
Not to be a party pooper but on here we have threads telling us not to charge our batteries at rates higher than .3C.

Yet we are expecting to be able to supercharge our lipo4 electric car without nuking its battery life?
Much agreed, Our local gas "Shell" station/ Dairy Queen installed (8) Tesla Supercharger stalls. Gas, Electric Charge, Ice Cream, Convenience store. Win/Win.
Let’s magically make all land at gas stations 4 times bigger!!!
I know it takes 5 times as long to charge a vehicle vs putting in 10 gallons of fuel but that’s ok because somehow magically it will just work.
Hmmm... somebody is probably in the planning stage of a device to give your electrical car 1000 mile range. Similar to the 100mpg carburetor (that the government and big oil suppressed). Maybe water injection?

Big E don't want you to have it but my device (using properties of magnetism and induction) can boost your E-car range to 1000 miles or more! They wont let me sell it already built but I can sell the plans for your construction for $19.95.
I guess consumers have no say so in this eh?
You will do this.

We don’t care what you think or if you can afford it or if it’s inconvenient.
i am pretty sure ICE engine will under go the same faith as asbestos...
We know it bad, causes cancer, so we regulate it out of existence, and make sure we have alternatives, even if they or the tech are in it's infancy

kind of how it works
i am pretty sure ICE engine will under go the same faith as asbestos...
We know it bad, causes cancer, so we regulate it out of existence, and make sure we have alternatives, even if they or the tech are in it's infancy

kind of how it works
Asbestos doesn’t get you to work or make you money.
Not ... at ... all. There are advantages and disadvantages to every technology out there. Companies hid the dangers of asbestos from the public so they could make money, and millions of people suffered for it.
What does that have to do with denying people Cars to get to work?
No asbestos never drove you to work.
I can’t take a bus to work and neither can millions.
did i mention a bus?
Ev / Hydrogene engines... all viable alternatives

And asbestos did provide loads of people work ( who never got to enjoy it, because they died of cancer well before their time)