diy solar

diy solar

Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

Mentioning the efficiency of electric trains ran by nuclear is what this guy is going to argue about? And what do my sports cars have to do with this? I like solar because I hate the government and I like to be self sufficient. And I also think trains are awesome. How does this member try to spin in me carrying my firearms? I carry firearms whether I feel safe or not. I have a rifle next to my camera when I make videos. It's called keeping your government and criminals in check.
You took A + B and instead of getting C, you got open carry? Let me simplify.

From Hedges link in post 220:
And what does that have to do with open carrying my guns? He's saying I'm doing it out of fear while I'm filling up my sports car. I open carry 24/7 so I don't understand what the deal is
You took A + B and instead of getting C, you got open carry? Let me simplify.

From Hedges link in post 220:
How can I not like a Subway system ran by nuclear, And also open carry while I drive my sports cars. I don't understand what's going on with this argument. Can someone please explain what I'm missing here.
I open carry 24/7, and will do so everywhere. Subway or not. Who said I like subways? I walk my property with a rifle and go to the range next to my house every couple days. I will never not have a gun. I'm American and value my freedom.
Fair enough. I must have misinterpreted the context of your comment about gas stations then.
In other thoughts, I don't think most people will be able to afford EVs. I think what will happen first is autonomous driving systems will create electric robo taxis. The price per mile will be substantially less than anything else available.
I cannot stand stopping at gas stations to fill up my race cars. I open carry a firearm everytime I do and am on high alert. Electric vehicles are superior in this regard and always full everytime I wake up in the morning.
FWIW it was in relation to this comment. But my world lens internally created a bias.
I too am a 2a advocate, I just choose to never open carry vs other options. So I read it as a deviation from normal (my normal isn’t everyone else’s though) as open carry would provide onlookers a clear signal that one is armed (which i said fear in contrast to your subway comment)
I personally find any subway, especially NYC far more dangerous than any gas station

No harm intended.
I suspect circumstances in Hong Kong make those subways different.

I haven't been there, but have ridden in London, Tokyo, Paris.
I could imagine there being problems in London, but I didn't have any.
San Francisco (where I haven't ridden Bart in decades), a prospective tenant no longer took public transit to get there, was looking for a place to commute from by car.
A number of cities have gone downhill.

EVs will probably continue downward trend in price, but I can see where the rise in Robotaxis makes sense. Eliminates the most expensive part of the taxi, and logging more miles per year could make them economical especially for those places where you can't afford to park. I've seen $35 parking fees in San Francisco, some even higher.

We can't afford refineries or cellular infrastructure either, but we pay for it. If electricity costs less than gas, there could be a finance/lease model for batteries that expands the EV market.
I open carry 24/7, and will do so everywhere. Subway or not. Who said I like subways? I walk my property with a rifle and go to the range next to my house every couple days. I will never not have a gun. I'm American and value my freedom.

But piston or direct inpingement?
Yeah, subways work in some cultures. Like the ones I took in Japan, hong Kong, Thailand and Canada. But New York or San Francisco? Absolutely not. The culture of the people in some locations make them incredibly dangerous.

But if you have a good culture, trains are incredible.

I do hate filling my gas vehicles because using oil makes a human dependent on others. Not a fan at all. And Las Vegas gas stations can be insane.
I open carry 24/7, and will do so everywhere. Subway or not. Who said I like subways? I walk my property with a rifle and go to the range next to my house every couple days. I will never not have a gun. I'm American and value my freedom.
Wow, I never figured you for a 2nd amendment type, kudos to you for your good sense in regards to this.
Wow, I never figured you for a 2nd amendment type, kudos to you for your good sense in regards to this.
I make videos about off-grid solar. How would I not be into firearms? ?

I get lots of false assumptions about my life in the comment section of the videos. It's very strange how wrong everyone is about my life and priorities. I was born in Oklahoma and my entire family loves the constitution. What do I do that makes people think otherwise?
I might get drawn and quartered for this, but I've given up on a PHEV or BEV for my next vehicle. For something fun, I'll spend more and pay to play. For the boring disposable commuter, it's all about the numbers, and the numbers don't make sense yet. Very easy to find an ICE vehicle for half the cost of a comparable electric. I was even ignoring the cost of electricity, and the numbers would look even worse if I included that.

I really think the public will switch en-mass, once that financial tipping point is hit.
The great thing is you don't have to choose. Get the fun EV that accelerates like a Lamborghini and use it for a commuter. Every day is a joy.
Yes the econobox EV is a bit overrated IMO.