diy solar

diy solar

Help me fix my access to this website.

I enabled editing again but I spam clean anyone who deletes multiple messages in a row. Usually it's new profiles. Not established ones.
Yeah I would never have guessed either.

Here is an idea on the edits.

Allow edits for everyone for the first 30 min. This allows for corrections.

After that, unlimited for those with over 200 posts AND 3 months (prevents spamming just to get to the edit function).
Yes we tried that and everyone complained that they didn't like it. So now it's back to unlimited editing and me spam cleaning anyone who gets reported for deleting their posts.
Will do. It's happened I think 5 fives in the last two years so far. So pretty rare, and the person ghosts the forum. So pretty easy to enforce and without much issues. But I'll add it
Letting new members know it is not appropriate to delete threads for sure, but didn´t we have a second deleted thread recently? Wondering if they had seen that previous delete thread and thought it was ok? Maybe no longer allow delete threads to linger on the forum with that title?

Thanks for maintaining this informative source.